Recycling Soil for More Profit
Making concrete from excavated spoil is very profitable.
Learn the method below:
Call us: +45 97 17 70 66
Recycled Soil – Save 25% Trench Fill Costs and Make More Profit
Fibo Intercon offers a durable, high-performance solution for underground utility networks and road constructions that can reuse up to 70 % of the excavated material from drainage work for re-use as backfill, directly on the worksite using the Fibo Intercon recycling plant.
The integrated separator screens the excavated material, such as earth, stone, concrete blocks, rocks or asphalt plates, so all stones and fragments bigger than 40 mm are separated from the other material.
The screened material is then transferred to the pan mixer where it is mixed with cement, water and chemicals before the finished mix is pumped back into the trench.
The end product is a self-compacting material which can easily be re-excavated.
The recycling plant is exclusively made for the production of soil mixes, such as soil stabilization for road constructions, and CLSM or Recycan© for underground utility networks.

Making Weak Mix Concrete Fill From Recycled Soil
The recycling plant is a profitable investment which will soon pay for itself and return a profit. It keeps the costs for transportation and the purchasing of new materials to a minimum.
We have made a cost analysis and cost comparing calculation of comparing a standard 600 mm drainage pipe construction with the use of the recycling plant for the same job.
The saving is €10,000 for the construction of 100m of 600mm pipe in a 2m deep trench. A 25% saving from traditional construction.
The payback for the the recycling soil batching plant is 5,000m of pipe and within twelve months. For the full cost analysis go to Soil Mixing Cost Benefit Analysis
The recycling plant is made to weigh and mix products within the tolerances specified in British Standard BS 3963 and US ASTM C685-94 for Binder, Granules and Water.

Recycled Soil Cement Mix Batching Plant
The recycling plant is a highly flexible solution. It is ideal for working in an urban environment and places with limited space.
It’s also fast and easy to erect and make ready for production. All you have to do is connect electricity and water, and fill cement in the cement silo.
All wearing parts are produced in robust materials and can be replaced separately, which minimises operating costs.
There is free access to all of the plant functions, facilitating daily cleaning, maintenance and service.
Technical specifications
Aggregator pan mixer
- Volume (Gross/net) 1800 liters
- 1200 liters
- Capacity 10-20 m³/hour
- Motor 30 kW
- Cement silo 1,5-2,0 m³
- Water tanks 1 x 1500 liters
- 1 x 1000 litres
Control system
- Dosing accuracy +/- 1-2 %
- Recipes 25 pcs
- 3 x 400 volts
- 125 A 150 KVA
- Width 2,5 m
- Height excl. railing 2,76 m
- Height incl. railing 3,76 m
- Length 7,4 m
- Total weight 16,000 kg

Your partner in concrete solutions
Fibo intercons concrete batching plant is the best avalible on the market, it is a well thougt out solution, designed to provide optimum flexibility, performance and operating efficiency.
It does not require a cast foundation, it can be placed on any even surface.
Our concrete batching plants are designed and built to a very high standard, so it will last more than fifteen years – this insures a very high return on your investment.
Fibo Intercon supply a large range of high quality concrete batching plant with a dosing accuracy of +-3% for standard machines and +-1% for our pre-weighing machines..
Below you can see a small selection of our standard machines, there can be set up and ready to go within two hours.
Capacity: 4-5m
Mini Viking is the ideal solution for small and medium-sized construction projects.
Capacity: 10-16m
B1200 is a compact, mobile batching plant assembled on a joint twin-axle bogie trailer.
Capacity: 25-45m
M2200 is a mobile batching plant assembled on a joint triple-axle bogie trailer with turn able front axle.
Capacity: 25-60m
T2200 is a mobile batching plant assembled on a common twin-axle step frame semi trailer.
Horizontal & Vertical Silos
Capacity: 15-66m
Fibo intercon supplies big bag silos as well as vertical and horizontal cement silos.
Let’s find your solution
Call us: +45 97 17 70 66